Tuesday, May 31, 2005

"The Jap Bastards" Comment from Stephen Fletcher & McMillan's SPIN on it

Kate clearly is trying to defend the indefensible here. Notice her putting the words Angry Party With Narrow Views, in scare quotes. Also notice that alongside the news item of Stephen Fletcher (who seemingly did understand that an apology was in order for saying "The Japs Were Bastards") Kate McMillan is having none of it. She brings an old text out to try and justify Fletcher's comments.

Funny... if Aboriginals bring up the atrocities commited by Caucasians in Residential Schools to Indian Children, McMillan tells them to "get over it" and quit whining, or indeed, suggests that recreating such disgusting and depraved institutions are JUST what's needed to fix Indians. But events from over 50 years ago... are allowed to justify this kind of racist bigotry in her mind?

Interesting is it not?

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Belinda's BlackBerry

Belinda's Blackberry

I've been offered the opportunity to publish Belinda Stronach's Blackberry.

But that would be unethical, because although she has established herself as a double-crossing hypocrite, willing to sell out her relationships, her constituants, her friends and her party to edge a little closer to the center of power - doing so would indicate that my principles are no better than hers, and as we know, as an unaligned, unelected, private individual voter and taxpayer, I must be held to a higher standard.

As I have been well reminded - "two wrongs don't make a right".

Quite so. However...

Three wrongs break a tie.

So, here's the deal... I'll put it up on Ebay, with all money raised going to tsunami relief.

Or... eh... I'll trade it for Paul Martin's.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Stronach Splits

Belinda Stronach has crossed the floor to the Liberals, with a new cabinet post her bonus.

Well, we always knew she was a Liberal - they were just hagging over the price.

I wonder if she realizes how many new Western separatists she just created today with her comments about Conservatives not understanding the "complexity" of the country? That the party must "grow in Quebec" before it's a national party? I wonder if she understands that her defection speech will be interpreted as another slap by a self-serving and politically ambitious Ontario power broker at western aspirations to finally have an equal voice in Canada?

Probably not. The woman is that stupid.

In The Interests Of Accuracy

Can anyone confirm if this is Belinda Stronach's personal cell phone number?


(Oh, and if you're outraged that a telephone number for a Liberal minister seems to have been leaked, you may register your complaints here.)

Exciting news! -Blackberry!

Monday, May 16, 2005

Signs! Placards! Tractors!

Bruce Gottfred has a few photos from today's Take Back The Hill demonstration in Ottawa