Quick... Go Look At The SideBar
That's right, over there to the right...
That's what the "SDA Blogging Awards" would be asking, if KKKate and her redneck racist friends were being honest about their little contest.
SDA 2.0 Will of course be bringing new catagories for "Redneck Rubes of the Right" to Vote for in upcoming weeks.
But First we need to solidify the nominations for the various catagories.
1st Catagory to be decided... "Bloggers Who Kiss SDA's Leathery Wrinkled Ass (or pander to her racist and redneck winged monkey audience) For A Mention On Her Vile Blog"
Vote early and often to narrow down the Top 10 Contenders in this Catagory to the Top 5.
Be sure to email The WingNutterer or Robert McLelland if you have any suggestions for some more "Get Real" catagories for KKKaties Blogging Awards
Boy are you jealous of Kate or what!
I note your hate blog has very few readers and almost no comments at all. Kate M has over a million hits already and thousands more every single day.
This rabid hate thing you have going here looks good on you.
I'll bet you are very unhappy. I like that about you.
Since you are such a knife wielding bitch, you can't expect anyone to post under anything but anonymous.
Boy are you jealous of Kate or what!
I note your hate blog has very few readers and almost no comments at all. Kate M has over a million hits already and thousands more every single day.
This rabid hate thing you have going here looks good on you.
I'll bet you are very unhappy. I like that about you.
Since you are such a knife wielding bitch, you can't expect anyone to post under anything but anonymous.
It appears I have just visited the blog site of a psycotic person.
To spend this much time and energy on hate for a Kate M who is a sign of a dangerous mind and I think you could be charged with spreading hatred against an individual as well as an identifiable group.
I will certain bring this blog to the site of the authorities to see if you can be charged.
Hello Mr.Anonymous - for the posts at 10:05 AM.
Is that you Peter Rempel?
It just so happens, that there is a record of who made these comments on this blog.
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Time of Visit Oct 16 2005 11:58:48 am
Last Page View Oct 16 2005 12:08:32 pm
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Visitor's Time Oct 16 2005 9:58:48 am
Visit Number 13,939
By all means.. go right ahead with your complaints to the authorities.
There is an RCMP officer at the Delisle Saskatchewan, who has an open file on Kate McMillan's criminal defamatory libel of me. He might be really interested in your complaints too.
Good luck with that!
Have an ice day!
Peter Rempel not.
Your detective efforts are silly, you missed by a mile ... cunt.
Lovely Language From The KKKate Winged Monkeys!
Thanks for giving another demonstration of what's wrong with the right-wing in Canada.
Please keep sharing your comments here!
It helps the Liberals every time you do!
I'm honoured. I can always use a traffic boost - moonbats or not.
While you're there, make sure you check out the Jack's Pack feature and the latest Jack Layton video. It's must see TV!
A battle of ideas. No. This site is crude, factually, intellectually shallow,Petty, lustful. Dare i ask how your "ideal" party would deal with civil disobedience. There are these two pigs that come to mind. Snowball and Napolean. You being the of pig that sleeps under sheets in the house.
Gee, is it my imagination, or is the only literary work that you right-wing nuts ever read been 1984. Next you are going to start bleating "2 legs good, 4 legs bad" or something right?
Hey, why don't you do the world a favour and read some other books, and then you can come up with some slightly more original metaphors to express yourself instead of relying upon the very tired and worn out cliches from Orwell.
It makes me laugh that you said that. the only thing that would have been more clever would have been a more obscure analogy from individualist literature. but sceptical cynism will always be safe. It is also ironic that I have read and studied every piece a tonne of leftist trash-- Sarte, Kant, Marx, Chomsky, Rorty, Heidegger,Nietzche, Galbraith, Keynes Rifkin, Postman..etc. It was only after 5 years of post secondary education that couls absoloutly cast of this manipulative, misleading and factually wrong garbage. It's a sad when sceptisism and cynism are the mark of intellectual thought.
PS I onder have you ever read-- Friedman, Rand, Rothbard, Hayek, Von Misus, or Reisman? I doubt it.
PS I onder have you ever read-- "Friedman, Rand, Rothbard, Hayek, Von Misus, or Reisman? I doubt it.
Friedman, which one? David or Milton? I've read both, and I am actually a friend with David and his wife. Whenever we are in Southern California, our two families hang out, because in addition to both being libertarians, our children are the same age, and are in alternative education situations.
Yes, I have read everything written by both the Friedmans. Although, I have to tell you, as much as I love Uncle Milty, and I admire David, neither one of them compares to Von Mises.
I have read every non-fiction work of Rand, and most of her fiction. I was delighted to be able to hang out with Barbara Branden a few years ago, and she was delighted to meet a Canadian aboriginal with a firm grasp of Ayn Rands ideas. She also told me that she was going to be delighted that Ruth Beebee Hill, (Rand's former room-mate) would discover aboriginal people in Canada who were touched and inspired by "Hanta Yo."
As for Hayek, Reisman, and Rothbard, well, yes to all.
Funny that you chide me for my contempt towards Brent Colbert's attitude about civil disobedience, considering you are asking me about Rothbard and Friedman.
Might I suggest that you check out the works of Robert Lefevre and Robert Nozick, in addition to the works by David Friedman, if you want to grab a clue as to where I would begin to have a conversation about civil disobedience in an uncivil society.
You also might want to check out Tibor Machan, Bohm-Bawerk, Isabel Patterson, Hazlitt, Bastiat, to round you out.
Just a suggestion.
You should know something of the people whom you decide to get into a pissing contest with. By all means go right and ahead and defend your friends in the "mystics of muscle" political party, i.e the CPC in it's current incarnation.
As for me... I want nothing to do with people whose first response to any issue is "Government must do something", which is pretty much the only thing I see out of the mouths of Conservatives in Canada.
What really disgusts me... is that when you compare Canadian Conservatives to their counterparts in the US... 95% of the CPC online is somewhere to the left of John Freakin' Kerry.... and they don't even realize it.
You would appear to be amongst those, Mr.Roughneck.
Touche, Mrs. Walker Williams, but what I don't understand why, with this abundance of knowlege, education, experience and conviction (I am being sincere) why don't you spend your energies explaining the fruits of liberty and individualist philosophies? Sceptisism and cynism are not worthy of someone with your credentials. I agree the Canadian Conservatives are Kerry'esque democrats, and as yes they are equally indebted to short term thinking, and without principles.
PS-- I am happy to discover someone with objectivist sympathies fighting for Natives rights in our country. guilt ridden socialist Ottawa policies have done their best to destroy a proud culture.
You might want to look at John Ibbitson's editorial...
join them and paste...
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