Kate makes an unfounded accusation...
Against somebody which implies some sort of impropriety between them and their child... She removed the comment in question, after several complaints were made to her internet service provider... but the hardcopy was saved, and the matter was reported to the Delisle Saskatchewan RCMP, as one of Criminal Defamatory Libel.
Contact Somena Media if you would like a hardcopy fax of the page sent to you.
The context of the remark is interesting as well...
(Click on the image to enlarge)

What had happened was that the discussion sparked over at the Shotgun had occured....
I posted the following remarks
Kate said:
"That was a short dinner."
I said:
Yes it was.
Sonny's BBQ here in Ocala isn't exactly fine dining. But it's amazingly good. My husband and I had a lovely time. After he is done catching up on some work for our business we are going to cuddle up in bed with my son, eat popcorn and watch Monty Python.
Have fun with your uh.... keyboard and the dogs Ms.Police-State-Kate.
Posted by: MWW | 31-Dec-04 8:37:04 PM
A few hours later, as I was still waiting for my husband to finish up some year end accounting for the company, Kate made the remark above...(Highlighted in Red In The Image Above)
"Hey What Are You Still Doing Here? What happened to the so called "life" you've been prattling on about all evening? Weren't you supposed to be in bed with your son by now?And that's what prompted me to report Kate McMillan to the RCMP for Criminal Defamatory Libel. It seemed clear to me, and to my husband that Kate McMillan was attempting to, give the impression that by my being in bed with my son, I was doing something wrong.
This is despite the fact that it was clear, earlier in the evening, in remarks that Kate had clearly read, since she remarked about the fact that I had been "prattling on" about my "so called life" - that I had said my husband, my son, and myself, were going to cuddle in bed, eat popcorn, and watch a movie, as our New Years Eve celebration.
When I faxed the entire set of pages concerning these remarks to Constable Parenteux, of the Delisle Saskatchewan RCMP detachment, he was actually most offended by the GreyOwl picture. He is Metis, and he found it to be extremely inciteful.
I had emailed some friends of mine in Aboriginal circles about the incident, and I understand that further complaints were made to the RCMP about this "hate-speech" violation. However, my understanding is, that at the time, the Crown decided that this one incident did not in and of itself indicate, in and of itself hate-speech. I was however urged to send further examples of hate-speech by Ms.McMillan, should they occur, by the Crown Prosecutor viz Const Parenteux.
Which thus far, I have declined to do.
I have however, archived ever single instance where Kate has made false allegations against me, especially criminal allegations. And, I have further documented where she has incited harrassment against other individuals here and here of Belinda Stronach, and more recently this incident.
This woman is, in my humble opinion a restraining order, waiting to happen.
Perhaps this is why there is or never has been a Mr.McMillan.
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